Water Rescue

Water Rescue

Encouraging the breeds natural instincts

Usually April - October

We train for water rescue in the warmer months of Spring and Summer. We usually meet each Sunday at 10:30am and finish around 4:00pm with a break for lunch. Each training session is £3 per dog along with our annual membership fee, however if you're new you are welcome to attend 3 training sessions prior to joining. These costs cover our running expenses for fuel, insurance etc and none of our members make any money from training. This is because we are all Newfoundland enthusiasts who love training our dogs and helping others with their dogs. You do not need to commit to a certain number of training sessions; you can attend once a year, a month or every week, but all we ask is that when you do come training, you help set up, pack away and help train other members dogs. We are a great team at Rother and all support each other.

What you will need

If you join us for water training, please bring the following items with you (we understand that you may not have all of these things to start with):

  • A dog stake or tether
  • A wetsuit, life jacket and wet boots or trainers
  • Dog life jacket/bouyancy aid
  • Towels for you and your dog
  • Water bowl, water, treats & a toy that your dog will love (that will float!)
  • Water and food for you
  • Poo bags
We have a small number of life jackets for both humans and dogs that you can borrow.

Why we train

Most of our members train for the certified water tests hosted by the three officially recognised Newfoundland breed clubs. These are known as sections A - E, each section gets more advanced as you progress through the different levels. It feels great to work towards something with your dog, and even better when you achieve it! However, we welcome members who do not wish to test and would just like to have fun in the water with their dog. We do also enjoy training our dogs for public demonstrations.